As our community continues to work together to remain safe and healthy, it's more important than ever that we find effective ways to communicate.

Please join me on April 3rd at 11:30 AM for what I hope will be a fully interactive Town Hall experience. You'll be able to speak with myself, as well as special guests, live over video, or submit written questions that you'd like an answer to. We'll also be doing special features on small businesses and nonprofits from across the region.

In order to make this forum as accessible as possible we will be hosting the Town Hall live on Crowdcast. You won't need a social media account, or any special log-ins to join. Just simply click the button below to both register ahead of time, and to join the conversation the day of. 

If you have any questions, contact us at

We will be in touch over the coming days with additional information, but hoping that you will all save the date and help spread the word. 
Rodney Lusk